The Final Frontier Of New Knowledge

UniVerse provides a perpetual cycle of innovation by enabling real-time hypothesis generation, instant research execution, and a reward system that empowers academics and institutions globally.

+ 0 Bn

Medical Data Sets

+$ 0 M

Invested in Research

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Our Mission

Decentralising Knowledge

Decentralising Knowledge

UniVerse makes the research process a profitable and sustainable venture, enabling researchers to be fairly compensated.

Driving Research Innovation

Driving Research Innovation

A collaborative platform that empowers academics and institutions to drive innovation in real-time.

Bolstering Workforce

Bolstering Workforce

UniVerse opens new avenues for job creation within academia and across industries.

Promoting Excellence

Promoting Excellence

UniVerse positions itself as a critical driver of medical breakthroughs and global economic growth.

The Long-Term Vision

Educate The World

Innovate The Path

Sustain The Economy

Advance Society

Forge The Future

Leave A Legacy


Smart Contracts and Tokenisation of Research

Tokenised Ownership

Tokenised Ownership

Every piece of research contributed to UniVerse is tokenised as an NFT (Non-Fungible Token).

Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are automatically triggered whenever the research is reused, cited, or built upon.

Fractionalized Rewards

Fractionalized Rewards

Newly built research upon previously published work rewards original researchers receive fractional ownership of any new NFTs generated.

Expanding Applications

Research is often delayed by patents and fragmented data. UniVerse offers a groundbreaking metadata indexing system and search engine, creating a one-stop shop for FAIR medical and biological data. This unlocks global data potential, streamlines research, and accelerates innovation in an open-source ecosystem.

Unified Metadatabase

Unified Metadatabase

Acccess everything from sequencing data (nucleotides and proteins) to medical imaging (raw and processed) and modelled data through a single, intuitive interface.

Inclusive Indexing

Inclusive Indexing

Our system prioritises comprehensiveness by handling a wide range of metadata formats, ensuring a more inclusive and up-to-date information repository.

Unmatched Breadth

Unmatched Breadth

Explore genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics, phosphor-proteomics, metabolomics, and beyond, extending into all corners of medical research.

Reduced Research Time

Reduced Research Time

Eliminate the need to juggle multiple platforms. Researchers can find exactly what they need, faster.

Enhanced Discovery

Enhanced Discovery

Streamlined access to vast amounts of data accelerates the pace of medical discovery, allowing researchers to explore new avenues and build upon existing research more efficiently.

Future Expansion

Future Expansion

Our robust indexing system’s search engine can continuously improve with functionalities like recommending similar or relevant datasets, further enriching the research experience.

Working with the biggest universities in Australia

Working with the biggest universities in Australia

Our Team

Meet The Minds Shaping UniVerse

Grant Reddy

Chief Executive Officer

Chad Reddy

Chief Technical Officer

Hunter Bui

Chief Operating Officer

Empowering Knowledge to Embrace Freedom.

Across the globe UniVerse thrives to empower our users and contributors to shape a better future through education.


What They Say About UniVerse TDAJ

“Secure and Transparent Transactions”

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James Reynolds

Cybersecurity Consultant

“Revolutionary DeFi Platform!”

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Sarah Thompson

Financial Analyst

“Empowering Financial Independence”

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Michael Rodriguez


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